Canary Kickstart into 2022
Michi's year started early! On 1 January at 06:30AM he took off for two weeks to the first training camp in Lanzarote. With training partner Flo Kandutsch he could complete successful common units and reel off many training kilometers.
After a short visit back home, it was off again to Gran Canaria, where Michi's biggest competitor was the sandstorm Calima, which partly forced him to train even with a mask to give the fine dust no chance. In the second week his famliy joined him and gave him an extra push. Followed by a week of regeneration at home, the third training camp followed.
There were again 2 weeks on Gran Canaria with a lot of training on the program. He has "never trained so much" and put in so much effort, in terms of volume but also in terms of time away from home.
Lanza bounce
Currently, the Gumpoldskirchner of the sports club Orthozentrum Vienna is a third time on training camp - this time again on the northernmost Canary Island, Lanzarote. Together with his family and his teammate Georg Enzenberger from the Schuller PRO Tri Team he is preparing for his first competition of the season, the 70.3 Lanzarote.
Michi didn't do any running competitions or similar this winter, so it's a jump into the cold water of the Atlantic Ocean. Start is on Saturday, March 19, 08:00 CET. Without pressure, he wants to use the competition as a location determination.
The biggest favorites are Florian Angert from Germany and the Frenchman Leon Chevalier, winner of IRONMAN Mallorca 2021. At the start of the season everything can happen. At the race 3 slots for the 70.3 World Championship at the end of October in St. George will be awarded - a "nice to have" for Michi. Click here for the complete start list.
Cali calling
After a week of regeneration and a short visit back home in Gumpoldskirchen, it's "Cali calling" at the end of March. At the 70.3 Oceanside in California Michi Weiss wants to attack!
Kickstart 2022