IM 70.3 Texas
The disappointment prevails after the race. Although he finished 10th in the top field, the anger after a supply breakdown predominates. In the pre-race stress, in the covid-compliant transition zone without any caretakers, Michi forgot to put the 3-4 gels for the bike part in his racing suit and noticed this caloric deficit enormously at the end of the race.
While swimming he was able to keep up with Bart Aernouts and Sam Long in choppy conditions. This is positive for the next races, as Michi has completely recovered from his shoulder injury.
After 45 kilometers of high speed (53.7km/h average) riding with the Belgian and American in tow, every cyclist's best friend came from the front on the way back from the turning route: Windy Willi J The two bottles of carbohydrate drinks weren't enough to handle the strain of the energy deficit.
120kcal is simply not enough after 2 hours of racing with an average of 350 watts.
Side note: Even the only Gatorade did not want to find its way into Michi‘s hands at the Aid Station on the bike.
Despite the tough conditions heading to the transition area, Michi felt strong after the bike and went on the running course in 7th place. Initially with good pace, he was only overtaken by exceptional runner Matt Hanson, but after lap 1 of 3 he was game over. The man with the hammer pulled the plug.. The caloric deficit from the bike simply couldn't be made up.
3 more gels on the bike and Top5 here we go! You never stop learning, that's the great thing about sports. The shape curve after Dubai is rising, minimum goal achieved, next stop Challenge Cancun!